Fai sedere i bambini per terra formando un cerchio e unisciti a loro. Chiedi ad un bambino alla volta di dire il suo nome ed associare ad esso un gesto o un'espressione buffa. Ad ogni turno chiedi al resto della classe di ripetere il nome del bambino e di imitare il gesto o l’espressione che ha fatto. Il gioco si ripete una seconda volta con la variante che ogni bambino indica un altro bambino e il resto del gruppo deve ricordare il nome del bambino indicato e imitare il gesto o l’espressione che gli è associata.

EXAMPLES OF CLASSROOM LANGUAGE: Sit down please and form a circle. Say your name and make a funny face. Children make (Maria’s) funny face. Now (Sam) point to a child. Everyone say his / her name and make his / her funny face…


Begin by forming a circle with the children standing. Students have to sit down if the sentence the teacher says applies to them. Before sitting down they must say their name aloud.

EXAMPLES OF CLASSROOM LANGUAGE: Sit down if you’ve got a sister then say your name out loud. Sit down if you’ve got brown eyes then say your name out loud. Sit down if you’ve got a cat then say your name out loud, etc.


Place children in a circle and throw a ball into the air calling a child’s name. All the other children must run away except the child who has been called who must catch the ball and shout STOP. All the children must freeze. At this point the child with the ball must name a student and take three steps in their direction, then the child with the ball names a part of the body and tries to hit his teammate’s body part with the ball. This game is useful both for remembering student’s names and for reviewing body parts in English.


Una volta che i bambini si sentono a proprio agio falli sistemare in fila fuori dalla porta per un rituale da ripetere all’inizio di ogni lezione:


Ask students to interview their classmates in order to get to know them better while practicing the question ‘What’s your favourite…?’