Teach, learn or review opposite words or antonyms (big, small, heavy, light, fast, slow, tall, short) and also colours with this fun game.



Introduce words up, down, left and right by repeating them several times while indicating the correct direction with your hands. After a few minutes, ask the children to join you while you indicate and repeat the vocabulary words. Once the vocabulary has been understood divide the children into pairs and have each pair take a small object from their pencil cases (an eraser, a pencil sharpener). In turn, the children have to hide the object in one hand and then place their hands on top of each other while their partner has to guess where the object is by pointing to the hand they believe it is hidden while saying UP or DOWN. Repeat the game by placing their hands next to each other and have them guess where the object is hidden by saying LEFT or RIGHT or better yet MY LEFT / RIGHT or YOUR LEFT / RIGHT. Repeat the game several times.


Another version of the classic game of SIMON SAYS. Teachers use their imagination and create phrases using LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, action words and body parts. Remind students that they must follow instructions carefuly only if the phrases are preceded by ‘teacher says’. The student who performs the wrong action or who performs it without being told ‘teacher says’ is eliminated from the game. If older students are participating, the teacher can make the game more difficult by performing actions that do not correspond to the sentence being said (For example, “Teacher says touch your right foot” while the teacheractually touches theright arm instead). Instinctively students will imitate the teacher and therefore will have to pay particular attention in order not to make mistakes.

EXAMPLES OF CLASSROOM LANGUAGE – Teacher says put your left arm up.  Teacher says touch your right knee. Teacher says stomp your left foot.  Teacher says sit down. Put your chin up.  No, I’m sorry I didn’t say Teacher Says!